ACL & Knee Physical Therapy

ACL & Knee Physical Therapy

1.4.7 by Google LLC
Have you had a Knee Replacement, ACL injury, ACL surgery, knee surgery, knee osteoarthritis, knee arthritis or a Hip Replacement? This Physical Therapy App, developed by a Physical Therapist with 25 years of health care experience, will help you reduce pain, motivate you to do your daily physical therapy exercises and recover after injury and surgery. Use Curovate for prehab or pre surgery to prepare for your knee surgery or hip surgery or prevent injuries to your knees and hips.

Home exercises for physiotherapy such as stretching and strengthening your muscles after injury or surgery will become so much easier with our video guided physical therapy app. Curovate is the best therapy app for patients recovering at home after surgery or injury. Even if you have not had surgery you can use Curovate for knee strengthening and hip strengthening exercises to prevent injuries, recover from knee pain and keep you exercising consistently at home. Curovate allows you to chat directly with a licensed physical therapist to ask questions through the therapy app and have your health care and exercise questions answered. For additional support and personalized workouts, you can use virtual care to receive therapy with one of our licensed video physical therapists.

Pre surgery or after surgery Curovate provides you with daily video guided physical therapy exercises based on the best knee surgery and hip surgery rehab exercise guidelines and evidence-based protocols. You can also measure your knee range of motion or knee ROM at home with no special equipment using the Curovate physical therapy app. If your knee is not stretching and bending as it should you will be provided with simple home exercises to recover your knee bending and straightening. We also know it is critical to keep people motivated at home during their knee recovery so the app rewards people with badges and carefully tracks knee replacement and ACL rehab progress through the app. Stay motivated during your home workouts, stretches and knee strengthening by seeing your progress and achievements in the app. Recovery is hard work and Curovate wants to make sure you return to your fitness level after knee surgery or injury. Currently 68% of people who subscribe to Curovate stick with their daily video guided exercises.

Home health care and virtual care is incredibly effective at allowing people to recover at home. Curovate provided home health care to help people return to playing sports and resuming their physical activity and normal life activities. Whether you need prehab, pre surgery for your knee surgery or hip surgery, or functional strengthening to prevent injuries Curovate has home based video exercises for you. Curovate will help you achieve your recovery goals for physical therapy.

For patients who have had an ACL injury they can use Curovate before surgery or pre surgery, after an ACL surgery or if they are not planning to have ACL knee surgery. There is also an option to select knee strengthening and hip strengthening if you wish to work on stretching & flexibility exercises for knee pain relief. Curovate will help you achieve your prehab, rehab and physical therapy goals.

Curovate is a rehab physical therapy app for people who have had a patellar tendon graft, hamstring tendon graft, quadriceps tendon graft, allograft or cadaver graft used to repair their ACL. Curovate can also be used after ACL injury and for people planning to recover without knee surgery.

Total Knee Replacement or a knee replacement is a surgery for patients who suffer from knee osteoarthritis (knee arthritis) which causes knee pain and limits a person’s ability to exercise. Our physical therapy app provides daily video exercises for people with knee arthritis as well as pre surgery for knee replacement and after knee replacement. Curovate provides knee replacement stretching, strengthening and virtual care PT workouts.

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  • Requires SystemAndroid 7.0

  • Content RatingEveryone

  • Architecturearm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,x86,x86_64

  • Permissions48

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