Allegory of The Puzzle

Allegory of The Puzzle

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Most of humanity is operating in a waking unconscious state of being. The lights are on, but the real “you” is not home. We unconsciously go about our repetitious daily routine believing there is no other way of living. We are unconscious to the fact that there is indeed another way of living . . . living a life of purpose . . . a life of meaning. This awakening has been encoded into your life blueprint. All it needed was a pre-planned traumatic event to trigger its activation. This event was prearranged by you and others prior to this particular lifetime.
Know that there are many millions on the planet, who are awakened, who are moving toward enlightenment, moving towards the acknowledgment of the Creator, in whatever minuscule way they can conceive of this vast entity. Millions more are undergoing this awakening process at this very moment. There really is a purpose in being here at this momentous time in planet earth’s evolution. Your life really does have purpose and meaning. Your task at this time is to work out what that purpose is.

It is time to remember your purpose and who you really are. Ages and ages ago human spirits decided to come to planet Earth so that we could experience and appreciate the life that this 3-dimensional planet had to offer. We, as a group had agreed to uplift this planet in a very sacred way. It would be one that would bring God-consciousness to Earth’s level of vibration by blending Spirit into matter.

Somewhere along the way we over-identified with the material world through its many physical pleasures and got stuck here in the life-death-reincarnation cycle normally taking place on planets with a 3-dimensional level of vibration. In essence, we have lost our way and our God-contentedness. We have simply forgotten who we are and why we came here in the first place.

Additionally, the human family currently on planet Earth is not homogeneous. Rather, it appears to be a mixture of star seeds from other planetary systems that were aware that our planet was going to go through a profound dimensional shift in consciousness at this point in time. These star seeds volunteered to forget who they are and where they came from. They were then born here as humans. As cosmic volunteers, they will help our planet go through its transformation into the Light.

In order to achieve this, Star seeds were pre-coded to awaken to who they really are at this point in time as Beings of Light and love. Apparently, we have done this many times before with other planetary systems. We live to serve their many brothers and sister from the stars. Such is their love for us.

The sole purpose behind the dimensional shift for planet Earth is to change it from a fear-driven planet to one whose alignment will be spiritual and based upon love. The shift will be irreversible and is estimated to intensify over the next 10 years. Those of us who choose a life of love will continue on with planet Earth and move into a higher dimension. These will be the Golden Years referred to in the prophecies.

The process of ascension involves many stages of initiations or tests. As each test is passed Consequently, the body or planet increases in vibration. This in turn, increases the vibration of the collective. All of Humanity, the dolphin and whale communities, plant, animal and mineral kingdoms are all well under way in their ascension process.Apart from the intention to ascend, there are a lot of personal issues and karma that will need to be addressed and worked through. As a result, those who decide to take this path must be prepared to take personal responsibility for themselves and their thoughts and behavior.
A Few of the topics presented are:
★Purpose of life
★The Awakening
★Ascended Masters
★Evolution of the Soul
★Chakras and the auric body
★Vibration and much more
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  • Package Namecom.AllegoryOfThePuzzle

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  • Requires SystemAndroid 7.1

  • Content RatingEveryone

  • Architecturearm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,x86,x86_64

  • Permissions48

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